our services
SALES forecasting
Adept forecasting will keep you lean while continuing to grow. Reduce out-of-stocks, so you can invest your time where it will compound.
Implement recurring processes once and automate reporting forever. We adapt solutions to meet your unique needs. There is no one size fits all solution - build force multipliers for your team so they can focus on what matters most- growth.
inventory planning
Keep receipts lean, so you can apply your open-to-buy dollars to grow your business. Overstocks happen, but don’t let them handcuff your growth.
market Analysis
How do you decide to enter an adjacent market category or what product features to prioritize? Use data to track your market share, competing products, and target markets. Forecast your trajectory, and determine your Total Addressable Market.
open-to-buy tools
Buying decisions should be guided by your Open-To-Buy (OTB). Let us build yours. An OTB will guide your budgeting, so you don’t overspend.
Establishing a budget enables you to create a plan for incoming revenue and outgoing expenses, track seasonality, and various sales patterns. With added visibility, you can strategize and continue building your business responsibly.